
Wants vs. Needs: Unlocking Authentic Happiness and Self-awareness

In our journey to unlock genuine happiness, it’s crucial to differentiate between our wants and needs. Yet, factors like societal pressures, past experiences, and even early experiences can blur these lines.

The Roots and Blooms of Our Life

Some examples of needs would be food, shelter, health, love, and purpose. These are the roots of our happiness tree; they keep us grounded and nourished. Our wants, on the other hand, are like the ornaments on a Christmas tree. Wants are the luxury cars, the big house, designer outfits, the jewelry.

Why Do We Confuse Wants and Needs?

Several factors influence our perception:

  • Conditional Love: Growing up, if love was given based on achievements or behavior, we might equate success and material possessions with self-worth and love in adulthood. This can lead us to see symbols of success as ‘needs’ to continually prove our worth and feel loved.
  • Cultural and Societal Conditioning: We’re bombarded with messages equating possessions with happiness and success. Especially in the advertisements. They make it seem like owning these cars and homes equates to having a certain level of success and status.
  • Peer Influence: The desire to fit in can shape our perception of needs from a young age.

Such confusion can lead to financial strain, dissatisfaction, lack of confidence and self-worth, anxiety, and strained relationships.

The Power of Prioritization

When we prioritize our needs and understand that wants should not determine our self-worth or success, we can cultivate an inner sense of peace and satisfaction. This doesn’t mean ignoring our wants.

I still want the nice house and cars and I will continue to set goals for them, but I’m very aware they don’t make me successful and they won’t bring me lasting happiness. Gratitude also helps to keep me grounded..

Redefining Success and Happiness

True success is about personal growth and impact. Real happiness comes from gratitude, cherishing simple joys, and understanding that material possessions don’t determine our worth or lovability.

Identifying Wants vs Needs

Identifying wants vs. needs is essential for maintaining mental clarity, financial health, and leading a contented life. Here’s a guide on how to discern between the two:

  1. Basic Definition Check:
    • Needs: These are essential for survival and basic well-being. Without them, you would either suffer physically or mentally. Examples include food, shelter, clothing appropriate to the weather, basic healthcare, and fundamental emotional needs like love and belonging.
    • Wants: These are things that enhance or improve our life but aren’t strictly necessary for our survival or basic well-being. Examples include gourmet food, a larger home, designer clothing, luxury cars, and vacations.
  2. Immediate Consequences: Ask yourself, “What will happen immediately if I don’t get this?” If you’ll suffer or face immediate negative consequences, it’s likely a need. If not, it’s probably a want.
  3. The Delay Test: If you can postpone a purchase or decision without detriment to your health or basic well-being, it often falls into the ‘want’ category.
  4. The Gratification Factor: Wants are typically tied to emotional gratification or societal pressures. They’re often about achieving a particular feeling or status. Needs, however, are consistent and don’t change based on mood or trends.
  5. Budget Review: Take a look at your expenses. Needs should be priorities in your budget. Anything outside of these fundamental expenses can be considered a want.
  6. Long-Term vs. Short-Term: Needs tend to have a long-term impact on your life, while wants might provide short-term happiness or satisfaction that may fade over time.
  7. Visualize the Absence: Imagine your life without the item or thing in question. If its absence causes significant hardship or hinders your basic well-being, it’s likely a need. If life continues with minor adjustments or disappointments, it’s a want.
  8. Seek Outside Perspectives: Sometimes, an external viewpoint, be it from a friend, family member, or professional, can offer clarity when you’re struggling to distinguish between wants and needs.
  9. Reflect on Past Purchases: Think about past items you’ve bought. Which ones do you truly value and use regularly versus those that lost their appeal? This retrospective insight can inform future decisions.
  10. Consider Emotional Drivers: Are you considering a purchase because you’re trying to fill an emotional void, keep up with peers, or respond to a fleeting feeling? Emotional-driven purchases are often ‘wants.’

Shopping Challenge

We live in a world of instant gratification, where impulse shopping often prevails. Did you know that buying something on impulse releases dopamine, a ‘feel-good’ hormone, which can make it addictive?

This challenge is all about curbing that impulse shopping behavior:

  1. Pause Before Purchase: Reflect: “Is this a ‘want’ or a ‘need’?”. If it’s not an immediate need, leave it in your cart but don’t check out.
  2. Cooling Period: Give yourself 24-48 hours. This break can help reduce the dopamine-induced urge to buy impulsively.
  3. Reflect and Decide: Revisit your cart after reflecting.

*Bonus Challenge: Consider investing the money you save.

Conclusion: Getting Clear on Wants vs. Needs

Navigating life requires us to make decisions daily. One of the most crucial distinctions we can make is distinguishing our fundamental needs from our fleeting wants. Now, there’s no harm in aiming for the finer things in life. Who doesn’t appreciate a little luxury? However, it’s vital to remember these are just the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

In essence, when we chase after every shiny object that catches our eye, we’re often just seeking temporary satisfaction. On the other hand, genuinely focusing on our core needs brings a deeper, more lasting contentment.

So, the next time you’re faced with a choice, whether it’s a purchase or a life decision, take a moment. Reflect. Ask yourself: “Is this a foundational need or a temporary want?” Making choices with this clarity not only brings peace of mind but ensures we’re building a life of genuine value and substance.

Stay focused, prioritize wisely, and always remember the bigger picture. In this balance, there’s a path to both success and true contentment.